Paul allen

Paul Allen "Software Magnate"

  • The Lakeside Programming Group

    The Lakeside Programming Group
    The beginning passion of the Allen and Gates love for programming.
    This was a group started at the Lakeside School in Portland , Oregon.
  • The Birth of Microsoft

    The Birth of Microsoft
    In 1975 Allen and Gates had been in Albuquerque , New Mexico. The two began pushing the BASIC programming language through the new company "Microsoft" the name was born from a combination of microcomputer and software.
  • BASIC handshake with MITS

    BASIC handshake with MITS
    In 1975 Allen and Gates had a contract with Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) to use BASIC in the Altair computer. At this time Allen moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico to be the vice president and software director. All before the beginning of "Microsoft".
  • DOS "The deal struck"

    DOS "The deal struck"
    DOS - Disk Operating System
    Microsoft struck a deal with IBM . They would deliver a operating system to the IBM PC line. They ended up moving forward with a purchase of QDOS which was the beginning of the DOS programming.
  • Vulcan Inc.

    Vulcan Inc.
    Allen and his sister Jo Lynn ("Jody") Allen founded the holding company for Allen's investments.
    The company has multiple positions in business , real estate, capital and investments.
  • Portland Trail Blazers

    Portland Trail Blazers
    In 1988 Allen became the owner of the Portland Trail Blazers.
  • Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

    Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
    In 1990 Allen and cofounder Patton founded Paul G. Allen Foundation. The foundation supports the development of communities through preservation of ocean , wildlife , climate change and supports communities with technology and education.
  • Go "Seahawks"

    Go "Seahawks"
    In 1997 Allen became the owner of the Seattle Seahawks.
  • Step down from Microsoft

    Step down from Microsoft
    In November of 2000 Allen decided to walk away from Microsoft. Allen stepped down from the board of directors and selling off his stake in the company.
  • All about the music!

    All about the music!
    2000 the Experience Music project was founded. It was an interactive music museum. The name changed in 2016 to Museum of Pop Culture.
  • Allen Institute For Brain Science

    Allen Institute For Brain Science
    In 2003 Allen founded the Allen Institute For Brain Science.
    It is a institute of new technology and research of the mechanics of the brain.
  • Space and Beyond "SpaceShipOne"

    Space and Beyond "SpaceShipOne"
    It was a investment into Burt Rutan's SpaceShipOne. It was a suborbital commercial spacecraft.
  • Stratolaunch Systems

    Stratolaunch Systems
    Stratolaunch Systems was a orbital launch system to begin space transport system.
  • Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

     Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
    The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence main focus is research and development with engineering Artificial Intelligence .
  • Allen Institute For Cell Science

    Allen Institute For Cell Science
    The Allen Institute for Cell Science was founded for the research and development of new treatment for diseases.
  • The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group

    The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group
    The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group is to discover and support ideas at the frontier of bioscience in an effort to accelerate the pace of technology and development.
  • The passing of Paul Allen

    The passing of Paul Allen
    Paul Allen died from septic shock on October 15, 2018. Due to his battle with Hodgkin's since 1982, he lived a through such a time and helped establish so many ventures and technology we will use to thrive in the future .