Patient's life span

  • Born

    At birth, a infant's respiration's range from 40-60 breaths per minute. The pulse is 140-160 BPM. The BP is 70 systolic. The temperature ranges from 98-100 F. Normal weight is 3.0-3.5kg. Born with fontanelles that allow the head to be compressed and pass through the birth canal during delivery.
  • Neonate

    Between birth and one month of age. Respiration's of 30-40 breaths per minute, Pulse is between 100-160 BPM. BP ranges from 70 to 90 systolic. Temperature from 98-100 F. Weight normally drops 5-10 percent in the first 2 weeks of life. Baby's musculoskeletal system will grow throughout infancy.
  • Infancy: At 1 year

    From 1 month to 1 year of age. During this period, a child undergoes some of the most rapid growth and development. Respiration's vary from 20-30. The pulse is between 100-120 BPM. BP is 90 systolic, and temperature is 98-100 F. Weight begins to increase throughout infancy with proper nutrition.
  • Toddler

    refers to a child who is 1 to 3 years of age. Respiration's average 20-30 breaths/min. Pulse is from 80-130 BPM. BP is 70-100 systolic. Temperature is between 98.6-99.6 F. Experience more physiological changes. The bones in the musculoskeletal system continue to grow and increase in density. Will have all primary teeth. Continue to increase their muscle mass, but their weight gain slows down.
  • Preschooler

    A child who is 3 to 6 years of age. Language takes place of crying as the sole form of communication. Explore new ideas and objects, identify and resolve simple problems. Vitals are Respiration's 20-30 beats per minute. Pulse is 80-120 BPM. BP is 80-110 systolic and Temperature is 98.6-99.6.
  • School age

    Age between 6 to 12. Continued growth and change. Bones in the musculoskeletal system continue to increase in density and grow larger. Loss of primary teeth and permanent teeth come in. Brain function increases in both hemispheres. Respiration's are 20-30 breaths per minute. Pulse 70-110 BPM. BP 80-120 mmHg. Temperature is 98.6
  • Adolescents

    Ages between 12 and 18 years of age. Experience rapid 2 to 3 year growth spurt. Muscle mass and bone both are nearly completeby the end of this period. Chest and trunk enlarge. This is the period where puberty occurs. sexual organs mature and reproductive maturity is reached. Respiration's from 12-20. Pulse is 55-105 BPM. BP 100-120 mmHg. Temperature is 98.6 F.
  • Early adulthood

    Respiration's 16-20. Pulse is 70 BPM. BP is 120/80 mmHg. Temperature is 98.6 F. All body systems operate at optimal levels. Most reach peak condition between 19 and 26 years of age. Physical conditions begin to slow down after peak. Develop lifelong habits and routines that will impact the quality of their health and life.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Vitals are identical to Early adulthood. Between ages of 41 to 60. Body is still functioning at a high level but with varying degrees of degradation. Body systems are beginning to experience more changes as a result of disease and lifestyle decisions. Women in their late 40s and 50s will go through menopause, or permanent end of menstruation and fertility.
  • Late adulthood

    All of the vitals except for temperature depend on the patient's physical and health status. Temperature is 98.6 F. From ages 61 and older. Maximum lifespan is 120 years for a human being. Almost all individuals will die from diseases or accidents before reaching the maximum lifespan. During late adulthood, people face new challenges that may not have been present throughout the previous stages.