Pastafarianism and the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  • Founding of the church

    The religion has been around for hundreds of years, but came into the mainstream (was created, somewhat shamelessly, by Bobby Henderson in 2005) during an argument with the Kansas school board around the nature of intelligent design and religious teachings in school.
  • The Gospel is written

    The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the official text of the religion, and is largely a parody piece drawing to attention not only the humor and vague nature of the religion, but also the legitimate right to support a religion for the sake of parody and parody alone. It is not a serious religion, and it is made to not be serious. this laid the groundwork and gave order to the religion, which is now set in stone with clear canon.
  • Citizen of austria allowed to wear colander on head in austria for license picture

    it is the official headgear after all
  • Netherlands accepts it as verifiable religion

    Its really real, and a judge and court had to sit through those proceedings
  • First official Pastafarian wedding

    in New Zealand, which has a high Pastafarian populace
  • Current day

    This is not verifiable to my ability, but a lot of images and the general consensus seems to be that most places in the united states, as well as many other countries around the world (through Europe and Oceania mainly) this is accepted as a valid religion by law and shows up on a number of verified religion lists. There are public prayer areas throughout Germany and mass is held on Friday nights at many a bar around the world. indeed his noodly appendages touch us all in one way or another.