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Past Simple

  • Form

    The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons
  • Use

    1. A finished action in the past 2.Actions that follow each other in a story 3.A past situation or habit
  • Spelling of verb +ed

    Spelling of verb  +ed
    Most regular verbs add -ed to the base form of the verb.
    The Verb end in -e ,add -d.
    Verb has only one syllable, with one vowel + one consonant double the consonant before adding -ed .
    The consonant is not doubled if it is -y or -w.
    In most two-syllable verbs,the end consonant is double if the stress iis on the second syllable.
    Verbs that end a consonant + -y change the -y to -ied.
  • Adverbs

    Last week,
    Last night,
    Last year,
    two days ago ,
    yesterday morning,
    in 2???,
    in the summer