Period: Jan 1, 700 to Jan 1, 1100
Period: Jan 1, 800 to Jan 1, 1550
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Jan 1, 1400
Exploration of Africa
The exploration of Africa wasn't always so easy. Things like geographical features made it very hard for explorers to get around. Also, they had the chance of coming into contact with dangerous animals and suffering from disease. Many Africans were already living in many of the places explored by the Europeans that weren't very friendly which also didn't help the exploration. However, the more they explored the more knowledge they would aquire. -
Jan 1, 1487
Age of Exploration
At the beginning of the middle ages, Europe, Africa, and Asia were the only known part of the world. Many people thought that if they explored these areas of land that were not as known, there would be riches and paradise. However, they were also scared because of many myths that were told about the unknown land. Explorers like Magellan, Columbus, Marco Polo, Cook, and Vespucci explored these unknown areas of land. -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Atlantic Slave Trade
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Asante empire controlled what is now southern Ghana. Their wealth was made by the trading of gold and slaves. In return for slaves the empire recieved firarms. The firearms helped the Asante empire expand through the many wars they encountered. It's risks with its military caused the empire's downfall. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Before the industrial revolution, many products were made by hand. Once factories came about all they needed to make products were the materials. Because of the industrial revolution peoples' heath improved, more people could read and write, and employment increased. Even though there are many benefits to factories there are downsides like bad conditions and crowded cities. -
Arkwright's Water Frame
The water frame was an invention created by Richard Arkwright in the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. It was a spinning machine powered by water that produces cotton yarn that helps to hand make cloth. The water frame helped improve the speed and quality of thread-spinning operations. -
Origin of Species
Origin of Species in a book written by Charles Darwin. When Darwin took a trip on a ship called the Beagle he developed lots of research. His research is explained in the novel as the theory of evolution through natural selection. The book also caused lots of disagreement and challenged religions. -
Social Darwinism / Survival of the fittest
Social Darwinism was a theory that said people, groups, and races are affected by the same laws of natural selection as animals and plants in nature. This theory was made because of Charles Darwin's opinions toward natural selection. This theory included the phrase "survival of the fittest" and was believed to affect human existance as well. For example, if you had wealth you would be considered fit and successful in society. -
Period: to
Partition of Africa
The Partition of Africa began with a meeting in Berlin. Europe decided that wanted bring civilization to the colonies in Africa. They did this by invading, occupating, dividing, and colonizing Africa. By doing this they also wanted to influence trade and spread Christianity.