Partition of Africa

  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to Jan 1, 1100


  • Period: Jan 1, 800 to Jan 1, 1550


  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Jan 1, 1400

    Exploration of Africa

    The Portuguese tracked the countries on the western borders of Africa.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    The Age of Exploration

    In efforts to chart the uncharted, dozens of european explorers set out into the deep ocean. Their shared goals were to finish the maps, find riches, and claim new territory.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

  • The Asante Kingdom

    The Asante Kingdom was started in where Ghana is today. Led by the military leader Osei Tutu, they took over neighboring tribes and kingdoms. To unite the people, Osei Tutu claimed that he came from heaven, and brought the people together through religion. With the connected kingdom, he controlled all gold and slave trade in the area.
  • Industrial Revolution (1750 - 1900)

    The idea of working you way up social classes came with the Industrial Revolution, which was kickstarted by the invention of Awkwright's Water Frame. The revolution promoted factory worked and created thousands of jobs.
  • Arkwright's Water Frame

    A machine that was designed by Richard Arkwright, called Arkwright's Water frame, was used to replace slaves. This machine was able to create cotton ready for selling.
  • The Origin of Species

    This is a novel written by Charles Darwin on his findings about evoulution. Darwin coined the term survival of the fittest and natural selection in his works. Evolution was a conterversial idea becuase it encouraged superiority of one race over another.
  • Survival of the Fittest

    A contreversial statement when it comes to racial superiority. People used Darwin's words to prove that one race is evoluionarily better than another.
  • Partition of Africa

    The progressive colonization of European countries of most of the continent of Africa. By 1914, the countries regained their freedom.