The censorship restauration
Even thought there has always been certain strict regulations in Russia, during the last years of Nicholas II's regime, the press censorship softened and press freedom was theoretically considered a civil right. This meant that even the Bolsheviks were able to print in a more "underground" way their newspapers and books at least for a small period of time. [No author]. (Russia, 1906). The Volshebny Fonar No. 2. No location. -
Photojournalists Mexico city
It was at this period of time when photographic agencies were starting to work with the press in Mexico. many intellectuals, journalists and artists found with it, a way to share their political beliefs and expose social injustices. [Photograph by Manuel Ramos]. (Ciudad de México. 1910). Ramos y Cia. fots. No location. -
Political propaganda
During the revolution, the main leaders needed social support and a way to diffuse their ideologies. With posters, journals and printed propaganda, they were trying to gain power and popularity in order to accomplish their political goals. [Photograph by El club Popular Republicano]. (Ciudad de México. 1911). Archivo de Zacapoaxtla. Palacio Municipal de Zacapoaxtla, Puebla, México. -
Pravda was the official journal of the communist party. It was censured at the beginning of the WW1 when the regulations became more severe, but it was reestablished in 1917 after the February revolution. Stalin played an important role in the editorial board and more than 11 million people used to read it. It perdured until the 1990's. [No author]. (Circa 1918). Pravda. No location -
Red propaganda
The communist party, and specially the red army, were looking for supporters and followers. They created tons of propaganda with just a few words and representative images, so the peasants and Illiterate people could understand and join them against the white army. [Photograph by Dmitrii Stakhevich]. (Russia, 1920). Red army propaganda. No location.