Part 2

  • Events of the Battle

    Multiple things happen during the battle that took place at Tal Al-Ward.
    -Dillon got two confirmed kills and possibly more.
    -The Kurdish Army won the battle which was a huge victory for Iraq as this was one of the Islamic States Best defensive positions.
    -Dillon saved a mans life
    -The Kurdish Army found a Soviet heavy machine gun.
  • Dillon Witnesses a Murder

    Dillon saw a civilian get killed for no reason.
    - This made Dillon want to go back to the Kurdish Army
    As soon as Dillon had time he texted Lieutenant Ali to pick him up
  • Lieutenant Ali picks up Dillon

    Just after the reporter leaves Ali arrives hours later to pick up Dillon
    Dillon is relieved that he can leave the PKK as tensions were rising with his commanding officer.
  • Dillon gets interviewed

    After the first battle at Tal Al-Ward Dillon finds out a reporter has come to Iraq.
    When the reporter arrives at his base he interviews Dillon.
  • Dillon meets a new fighter from the USA.

    Dillon helps Lieutenant Ali pick up a man named Ethan who was in the same Facebook group that Dillon was in.
    Dillon would become good friends with Ethan over the course of their time in Iraq
  • Dillon and Ethan get transferred

    Dillon and Ethan get moved to Daquq where they are operating under a man named General Araz
  • Various insignificant things happen

    Not much happens in pages 180-240
    Supply runs, Some small exchange of fire and meeting more people.
  • Dillon returns home

    Dillon comes home and sees his family for the first time in months.
    He is questioned by the RCMP and starts binge drinking and doing drugs.
  • Dillon slowly recovers

    Dillon starts attending ptsd classes and manages his drug and alcohol use.