Part 2

  • 1700 BCE

    1700 Indo-European invasion of Greek peninsula

  • 1600 BCE

    1600-1000 Aryan invasion of India

  • 1500 BCE

    1500-1000 Vedic Age

  • 1400 BCE

    1400 Kingdom of Mycenae; Trojan War

  • 1200 BCE

    1200-700 Scared Vedas composed

  • 1122 BCE

    1122-770 Former or western Zhou kingdom

  • 1000 BCE

    1000-600 Epic Age: Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Upanishads composed

  • 1000 BCE

    1000 Polynesians reach Fiji, Samoa

  • 1000 BCE

    1000 Independent kingdom of Kush

  • 800 BCE

    800-600 Rise of Greek city-states; Athens and Sparta become dominant

  • 800 BCE

    800-400 Spread of Olmec civilization:cultivation of maize, potatoes; domestication of turkeys, dogs

  • 770 BCE

    770-403 Later or eastern Zhou kingdom

  • 700 BCE

    700-550 Era of unrivaled brahnam dominance

  • 700 BCE

    700 Homerian epics liad, Odyssey; flowering of Greek architecture

  • 600 BCE

    600 Zoroastrian religion in Iran

  • 600 BCE

    600 Legendary ruler in Japan

  • 563 BCE

    563-483 Life of the Buddha

  • 551 BCE

    551-233 Period of the great Chinese philosopher: Confucius, Laozi, Mencius, Legalists

  • 551 BCE

    551-233 Period of "hundred Philosophers"

  • 550 BCE

    550 Formation of Persian empire

  • 550 BCE

    550 Cyrus the Great

  • 542 BCE

    542-483 Life of the Buddha

  • 535 BCE

    535 Gupta empire overturned by the Huns

  • 509 BCE

    509 Beginnings of Roman Republic

  • 500 BCE

    500-449 Greek wars with Persia

  • 500 BCE

    500-450 Beginnings of the Roman republic

  • 470 BCE

    470-430 Height of Athenian culture; Socrates and Greek philosophical style

  • 470 BCE

    470-430 Athens at its height: Pericles, Phidias, Sophocles, Socrates

  • 450 BCE

    450 Twelve Tables of Law

  • 431 BCE

    431 Peloponnesian Wars; decline of Greece

  • 431 BCE

    431-404 Peloponesian Wars

  • 403 BCE

    403-222 Warring states period

  • 400 BCE

    400-320 Era of Xunzi

  • 359 BCE

    359-336 Philip II of Macedonia

  • 330 BCE

    330 Alexander the Great

  • 327 BCE

    327-325 Alexander's invasion of the Persian empire, India

  • 322 BCE

    322-185 Mauryan empire

  • 322 BCE

    322-298 Chandragupta Maurya rules

  • 300 BCE

    300-900 Height of Maya civilization

  • 300 BCE

    300-100 Hellenistic Period

  • 300 BCE

    300-100 Hellenistic

  • 300 BCE

    300 Rise of Axum

  • 269 BCE

    269-232 Reign of Ashoka

  • 264 BCE

    264-140 Roman expansion in North Africa and eastern Mediterranean

  • 264 BCE

    264-146 Punic Wars

  • 221 BCE

    221 Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of China

  • 221 BCE

    221-207 Qin dynasty

  • 221 BCE

    221 Great wall completed

  • 202 BCE

    202-9 Former Han dynasty

  • 202 BCE

    202-195 Reign of Liu Bang

  • 200 BCE

    200-200 Era of strong Buddhist influence

  • 200 BCE

    200-9 former Han dynasty; invention of paper and the compass

  • 180 BCE

    180 Beginning of Rome's decline; population decline

  • 141 BCE

    141-87 Reign of Han Wudi

  • 133 BCE

    133 Decline of the Roman republic

  • 100 BCE

    100 Germans begin contact with Rome; Slavs migrate into eastern Europe

  • 4

    4 Birth of Jesus

  • 9

    9-23 Interregnum of Wang Mang

  • 23

    23-220 Later Han dynasty; invention of paper and compass

  • 27

    27 Augustus founds Roman empire

  • 27

    27 Augustus Caesar rise of Roman empire

  • 30

    30 Crucifixion of Jesus

  • 30

    30 Crucifixion of Jesus

  • 49

    49 Julius Caesar becomes dictator in Rome; assassinated in 44

  • 63

    63 Forced dissolution of independent Jewish state by Romans

  • 88

    88 Beginning of Han decline

  • 100

    100 Beginning of decline of Han dynasty

  • 101

    101-106 Greatest spread of Roman territory

  • 106

    106 Height of Roman territory

  • 180

    180 Death of Marcus Aurelius; beginning of decline of Roman empire

  • 184

    184 Daoist Yellow Turban

  • 200

    200-500 Nasca culture

  • 200

    200-700 Mochica culture

  • 200

    200-1300 Anasazi in North America

  • 200

    2nd century Development of porcelain

  • 200

    200 Extensive agriculture practice in Japan

  • 220

    220 Last Han emperor deposed

  • 220

    220 last Han emperor deposed; Time of Troubles begins; nomadic invasion in North China

  • 227

    227 Beginning of Sassanian empire in Persia

  • 231

    231 First Germanic invasion of Roman empire

  • 284

    284-305 Reign of Diocletian

  • 284

    284-305 Reign of Diocletian

  • 300

    300 Decline of Meroe

  • 300

    300-400 Yamato claim imperial control of Japan

  • 300

    300-700 Rise of Axum; conversion to Christianity

  • 300

    300-900 Intermediate Horizon period

  • 300

    300-1000 Second wave of Polynesian migrations to Hawaii

  • 300

    300 Ethiopia adopts Chritianity

  • 312

    312-337 Constatine; formation of Eastern Empire; adoption of Christianity

  • 312

    312-337 Reign of Constantine; establishment of eastern Roman empire; toleration of Christianity

  • 313

    313 Constantine adopts Christianity

  • 319

    319-540 Gupta empire

  • 319

    319 Gupta empire founded; Buddhist influence

  • 330

    330-379 Basil organizes Eastern monasticism

  • 354

    354-430 Life of Augustine

  • 370

    370-480 Nomadic invasions of western Europe

  • 400

    400 Chinese script imported

  • 400

    400 Growth of Mayan civilization

  • 400

    400 Polynesians reach Hawaii

  • 400

    400-500 Decline of Buddhism

  • 401

    401 Large-scale Germanic invasions in Roman Empire

  • 401

    401 Increase Germanic invasion

  • 410

    410 Rome sacked by Visigoths

  • 410

    410 Hun invasion begin

  • 450

    450 Huns begin to invade India

  • 476

    476 Fall of Rome

  • 476

    476 Collapse of Rome

  • 476

    476 Last Roman emperor in West deposed

  • 480

    480-547 life of Benedict, founder of western monasticism

  • 500

    500 Buddhism takes root in east and southeast Asia

  • 527

    527-565 Reign of Justinian, Eastern emperor

  • 540

    540 Collapse of Gupta dynasty

  • 589

    589-618 Sui dynasty

  • Dec 16, 600

    600 Beginning of Islam

  • Dec 18, 600

    600 Tang dynasty

  • Dec 16, 606

    606-647 Loose empire under Harsha in India

  • Dec 18, 606

    606-647 Loose empire under Harsha in India

  • Dec 18, 610

    610 Beginning of Islam

  • Dec 16, 618

    618 Tang dynasty in China: glorious cultural period

  • Dec 18, 657

    657 Rajput dominant in India; periodic clashes with Islamic armies in northwest

  • Dec 16, 700

    700 Shintoism unified into single national religion in Japan

  • Jan 1, 800

    800-1300 Mississippian culture

  • Dec 1, 900

    900 Polynesian to New Zealand

  • Dec 1, 900

    900-1200 Toltecs

  • Dec 1, 1000

    1000 Height of kingdom of Ghana, Africa