Parlamento ar plenario lusa


  • The first Republic

    The first Republic
  • Democracy

    The 25 April 1974 was a pacific revolution that makes transition to democracy.
  • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

    Constitution of the Portuguese Republic
    The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic that was passed on 2 April 1976 gave the Assembly of the Republic the power the revise the Constitution itself. This prerogative was exercised for the first time in a long process of revising the initial text (from 30 April 1981 to 30 September 1982). The original document reflected political and ideological options which arose out of the revolutionary period that followed the break with the previous authoritarian regime. It confirmed a transition to s
  • Portugal European Union integration

    Portugal European Union integration
    Portugal decided to join European Union.
  • Euro

    After a decade of preparation, the euro entered into circulation on 1 January 2002 in 12 countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg and Portugal. Slovenia adopted the euro in 2007, followed by Cyprus and Malta (2008), Slovakia (2009), Estonia (2011) and Latvia (2014).
  • Abortium referendum

    Abortium referendum
    Portugal votes to liberalise abortion law
  • 7th Constitutional Revision

    7th Constitutional Revision
    The 7th Constitutional Revision was passed in 2005. By adding a new article to the Constitution, it allowed the holding of referenda on the approval of treaties aimed at the construction and deepening of the European Union.