Papunya Timeline

By duffyj
  • White Strangers

    In the 1860s Anangu began to see more and more white people. They saw them appear in the desert and place the British flag in their land.
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    Papunya Timeline

  • The Journey from Adelaide to Darwin

    Stuart made a track from Adelaide to Darwin. Giles started to travell 500km west from Finke River. They ventured across the desert to the west coast and headed away from Alice Springs. The set-out west again but his camp was attacked twice. They continued to Perth and then to the Centre and back.
  • The British settle down

    The British began to bring in flocks of sheep and cattle and fences to keep in the animals. The British began to build stations and the flocks of animals drained the water holes and ate the grass that the animals like kangaroos usually did. It started to get harder and harder to find bush tucker.
  • The Missionaries Arrive

    Missionaries arrived, they wanted to teach Anangu children Christian Religion. Schools and Churchs were built. As grazing ground increased there was less bush tucker to go around. At first, Anangu did not know how to deal with these white people, but as their land decreased, they slowly began to camp around the Mission. The children started to learn to read and write, they learnt the Christian religion and subjects like maths and geography. Anangu people found the mission as a place of refuge
  • More White strangers come

    More British people came and brought electricity. A telegraph station was built in Alice Springs. This telegraph station was the first permanent white settlement in the centre of Australia. Telegraph lines were built, and 250 km north of Alice Springs in Barrow Creek there was an attack.
  • Federal Government creates civilization

    A man travelled from Adelaide to Darwin by bike. Bungalow was established and a school in Stuart started. In 1914 World War One started, and it finished in 1918.
  • Progress

    The first plane landed in 1921. The town name 'Stuart' changed to 'Alice Springs'. The first hospital opened in Stuart. Flying doctor service established with pedal radio. A train service 'The Ghan' started.
  • Troubles

    There was a huge drought. About 100 Anangu people were killed by police. The mission built pipelines to bring water to survive in the drought
  • War

    World War 2 started, between Australia, Germany and Japan. New roads were built. A road was built from Hermannsburg to Haasts Bluff.
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    Moving on

    In 1945 World War 2 ended. Scientists started testing rocks and missiles. A bad case of measles spread in Haasts Bluff. The Federal Government grew to support Aboriginal education. Sadly this was a bad time of drought and there was little water and bushtucker.
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    People move to Papunya

    As people started to move into Papunya, schools and churches were built. Australians voted "yes" to let Aboriginals become citizens among us. Experiments were done on the land, and the land that the British owned grew bigger every day.