Papunya School Book

By salhas
  • History Starts to Change

    About 150 years ago history suddenly began to change when our ancestors started to see Tjulkura - white people - coming into Ngurra.
  • Anangu Resistance

    While the pastoralists were taking the land other white men arrived to build an overland Telegraph line up Stuart's track, from Adelaide to darwin. This allowed people to send messages across countries by Morse code.
  • Balance of Nature Broken

    The cattle drank the waterholes dry and ate the grass that kangaroos and other bush animals used to eat. Their hard hooves hurt the soft land and trampled down many of the tucker plants. The balance of nature was broken just like that.
  • Land Taken For Cattle

    When the Tjulkura came to Australia they did not recognise that between them, different groups of aboriginal people owned all the content.
  • A Town Called Stuart

    By the 1880s groups of white men were camped on banks of the Todd River. A few kilometres south of Alice Springs Telegraph Station. They were waiting to go mining for gold or garnets.
  • Transport and Health

    After the first world war ended, things seemed to move more quickly in the little town in on the 1921 townsfolk were excited to see the first aeroplane land.
  • Long Hard Years Of Drought

    While life improved for the Tjulkura in town, it became harder and harder for the Anangu to survive in the desert. In the 1920s there was a terrible drought right through the center. The Anangu were not able to live through a long dry season as they had in the past.
  • Devils in the Sky

    When the first white explorers came they travelled by camel or horse. As time went on, they were a new sort of explorer, who travelled though the sky. In 1930, the Tjulkura journey left of Alice spring to Ilypilil. This was a place in Pintupi country.with waterholes and rock shelters.
  • A Town Called Alice

    in 1932 another change took place when the post office moved from Alice springs telegraph station to the settlement in stuart.people down south kept sending letters addressed to Alice Springs. So rhe town changed its name. the locals usually just called it Alice.
  • A New Way To Paint Country

    In 1932 a white artist named Rex BatterBee visited the mission and painted the landscape with watercolours. When an Arrente man named Albert Namatjira saw the pictures he said I think we can do that too. Within a few years, Namatjira was exhibiting the pictures in galleries down south.