Papunya history

  • White people arrival

    Anangu see white people come to their country and plant a flag. Anangu make the white people go away. At first Anangu thought they were devil monsters.The Anangu had been traveling the country for years but the Government held a competition saying that the first explorer that traveled from Adelaide to Darwin would win a lot of money.
  • Period: to


  • Maps

    More people came and made maps. Strange animals are coming. Anangu started seeing more strange white people riding on the strange animals. The white people had set up camp near the Anangu's water supply. Weeks turned to months, months turned into years, but more white people just kept coming. The white people did not learn the languge of the Anangu people though. The Anangu people had their own names for these places but the white people made up new names for them.
  • No Water

    When the white people came they had not realised that the Aboriginals owned all the land in different groups, so they thought that no one owned the land and took it for their own. The strange animals that the Anangu people had been seeing were cattle and horses. The cattle had been drinking all the water from the waterholes that the Anangu people drink to survive and the cattle were eating the grass that the bush animals used to eat. The cattle had been trampling over all the soft land.
  • Care

    Anangu tried to look after their country. The cattle took over the bush tucker. The cattle are eating the beautiful grass. The white people brought food from their country because they didn't eat the bush tucker
  • Destruction

    The cattle are destroying the bush tucker. They are drinking all the water. Anangu couldn't find any food or water for their families. while Anangu was having lots of trouble finding food and water, the British were drinking beer and partying all night.
  • Land

    Anangu started seeing strange machines coming to their land. The Government gave Anangu more land and more places to find food though.
  • Drought

    Anangu people find it hard to live during the big drought. The water holes started to dry up and the bush tucker was getting harder to find
  • Population

    A few months later the drought ended. 3 people made their first journey west.
  • Camp

    Everyday Anangu continued to get kicked out of their country because of the cattle.
  • Drought..Again

    Anangu found it harder to survive since the drought was making the bush tucker stop growing and the waterholes soon became dry.
  • Renovating

    In 1960 the Government started to build roads for trucks and cars.
  • Bush

    School started being built and Anangu found it even harder to live. It took a long time to find food and water
  • Anangu taking over

    Over the years Anangu started to take control over their country again.
  • Power

    Papunya and everyone who was living in it took war to the British. In 1992 the Government said that Anangu had to pay electric bills every 3 months.
  • Papunya taking back whats theirs

    Papunya became stronger. They started getting their land back and even started a school!