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The evolution of Media

  • 100 BCE


    Paper was first born in China. This meant that people can track records not only by mouth or writing on stone. Records could be stored more easily.
  • 1455

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Paper was already an evolution in keeping records, but printing pressers madd it so that you can mass produce copies of information. You didn’t have to write it by hand to copy anymore.
  • Photography

    Now you were able to show real visuals of people to people who’ve never seen it. You didn’t have to describe things by words anymore. And you can save images from the past so the future generations can see.
  • Telegraph

    You were now able to communicate with people through long distances. You didn’t have to visit them or wait for years to talk to them.
  • Telephone

    Now you were able to have real time conversations with people as if they were right in front of you. You didn’t have to write letters or send telegraphs and wait for the other side to send it back. If both had a phone you can have a conversation no matter what the distance is.
  • Radio

    This is the birth of mass media where millions of people get the same information at once.Till then there was some lag from the actual news happening and the time you get information. But now it was easier to send information to millions of people at once.
  • Television/commercials

    Television made it so that people can get information and entertainment. Companies start to use commercials to introduce their product. This leads to many people viewing their product then makes more want to buy it.
  • The first Apple computer

    The first Apple computer
    There were computers before 1976. It just wasn’t designed for normal individuals to use them. At the time one computer would take a whole room worth of space or even more. So it was an evolution for computers to be able to fit on top of a typical desk.
  • Internet

    Now many people could have access to information more easier. They didn’t have to go to a library if they wanted information for something. You could just use a computer and search and get results from there.
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0
    Many companies like Google, and Facebook start to pop up. They start to compete who can give the best online service for the customers. In the current age Google,Apple,Facebook,and Amazon are the companies that have a major impact on the internet.