Pandemias en la historia

Pandemics in history

  • 541

    Beginning of the plague of Justinian

    Beginning of the plague of Justinian
    This was the first major pandemic. Struck the Byzantine Empire.
  • Period: 541 to 542

    Plague of Justinian

    Was caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria, better known as Bulbonic Plague → a pathogen carried by rats and transferred to humans through fleas.
    20-55 million people die, 1/4 of the earth’s population.
  • 1347

    Beginning of the Black death

    Beginning of the Black death
    -The plague return 800 years later.
    -Invention of quarantine
  • Period: 1347 to 1351

    Black death

    Rat-borne disease where patients had dark swellings or buboes in the armpits and groin.
    To prevent contagion, in Venice sailors were prevented from entering the city for forty days The black death took up 100-200 deaths across Eurasia, ⅓ of global population.
  • 1521

    First Smallpox plague in America

    First Smallpox plague in America
    Happened in the 16th century when Europeans came to colonize America.
    20 million, about the 90% of the pre-columbian population died.
  • Beginning of the Spanish flu

    Beginning of the Spanish flu
    Is the most recent mass pandemic.
  • Period: to

    Spanish flu

    Mainly affected young adults.
    Affected 500 million worldwide and at the end of 1920 50 to 100 million people died, 4% of global population.