Period: 1157 BCE to
A través de la historia, diversas epidemias de viruela acabarán con la vida de millones de personas. Felizmente, la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha declarado que la viruela ha sido totalmente erradicada del mundo -
Black Death
The Black Death originated in the fourteenth century and killed half of the European population, an estimated 25 million people lost their lives due to this epidemic. The Black or Bubonic Plague will become the deadliest plague pandemic in history. -
Period: to
Spanish Flu
The "Spanish Flu" was one of the deadliest pandemics in the history of humanity since it ended the lives of 50 million people. The Spanish Flu was closely related to the First World War, a conflict that did not precisely help mitigate the ravages of the disease, quite the contrary. -
Asian Flu
This pandemic was a combination of human flu with wild duck flu. It is estimated that it killed more than a million people. -
Period: to
Hong Kong Flu
This flu, H3N2, was a combination of the avian virus and a human flu. The so-called "Hong Kong Flu" killed 40,000 people. This variant, which appeared during the summer, could be a mutant strain that spread in a very short time throughout the world following the same lines of spread as the so-called 1957 Asian fever. -
HIV-AIDS, since 1980, has killed 25 million people around the world. Most of these victims have occurred on the African continent, and it is still a danger today. -
Mad Cow Syndrome
This pandemic caused panic in the world due to the alarm that it could be easily transmitted to humans. The Mad Cow Syndrome claimed 150 victims. -
Avian Flu
Avian Flu killed 250 people in Korea. In addition, thousands of birds had to be culled to control the epidemic. -
Influenza AH1N1
Influenza AH1N1 was a pandemic, since it spread to various geographic regions, which originated from a variant of swine influenza A. -
Se cree que los murciélagos son el huésped natural del virus del Ébola, la rabia, el SARS y el MERS, siendo estos últimos dos coronavirus similares al que ahora surgió en Wuhan. ... Los científicos llaman zoonóticos a estos virus porque se transmiten de animales a humanos.