
  • 63 cases

    There was 63 reported cases in Salt Lake.
  • Cedar City cases

    Self explanatory, new cases in Cedar City.
  • Movies held-up

    The flu held-up movie production.
  • Action taken

    Closing school and other large sites of public areas.
  • Hospital for Patients

    There is now special hospitals for patients of the flu.
  • Beatty puts lids on store sales.

    Also, no more big department store sales.
  • Patients to be fed by teachers.

    Food prepared at the kitchens at school will be delivered to homes of the sick.
  • Mask to be worn

    The distribution of masks.
  • "School Teachers Called as Nurses by Red Cross"

    The closing of school affects teachers.
  • Homes where influenza has appeared.

    Homes where influenza has been found must be place-carded.
  • 28 new cases

    23 new cases in Salt Lake, along with 3 deaths.
  • Plan to stop spread.

    Shops now close earlier, and are closed on Saturdays.
  • "Open Inoculation Stations to Stem Progress of 'Flu'"

    136 new cases and 5 deaths, Liquor being given out.
  • Schools opening

    On December 30th, Monday, school will reopen for the day, and a extra hour to be added.