

By mphow
  • Mar 23, 1502


    Spanish explorer Rodrigo de Bastidas visits Panama
  • Independence

    Panama becomes independent of Spain, but joins the confederacy of Gran Colombia, which also comprises Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
  • Treaty

    Panama signs treaty with US allowing it to build a railway across the isthmus.
  • Real Independence

    Panama splits from Colombia and becomes fully independent. US buys rights to build Panama Canal.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama takes full control of the Panama Canal.
  • Economy

    Panama Canal earns record revenues of $1 billion for the financial year.
  • Canal update

    Voters in a referendum back a $5.2bn plan to upgrade the Panama Canal.
  • Canal

    Chinese freighter becomes the millionth vessel to cross the Panama Canal.
  • Reform

    Mining code reforms reversed following protests from indigenous groups and environmentalists.
  • Free Trade

    US Congress approves long-stalled free trade agreement with Panama.