Panama Canal

By Lofus
  • Period: to

    French Broke Ground

  • French Starts work

    French Starts attempting to build a canal in Panama
  • Hay–Herrán Treaty Signed

    A treaty signed between Secretary of State, John M. Hay, and Tomás Herrán of Colombia. This treaty granted the U.S. a 100-year lease of a 10-kilometer wide zone of Isthmus Panama while paying $10 Million and $250,000 annually.
  • Hay–Herrán Treaty Rejected

    The Colombians, when they realized that Colombia would lose absolute supreme power in 1904, hoped to stall ratifying the treaty until 1904 but after John Hay refused to change the terms of the treaty the Colombian Senate rejected the treaty.
  • U.S. Supports Panamanian Rebellion

    In response to Colombian Senates refusing to ratify the Hay–Herrán treaty, Theodore Roosevelt gave permission to support the Rebellion in Panama and sent the USS Nashville to "protect American lives."
  • Panama gains independence from Colombia

    Rebellion in Panama to overthrow the Colombian government with the aid of American forces succeed.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Signed

    With the same terms as the Hay–Herrán treaty except signed directly by Panama instead of Colombia, Panama accepts.
  • U.S. Agrees to finish building the Panama Canal

  • Period: to

    Construction of the Panama Canal and Causes of Death

    Factors of death
    - Malaria, Yellow Fever
    - Through Dr. Gorgas' efforts, infection rates by Malaria had been reduced from 800/1000 workers in 1906 down to 70/1000 workers by 1913, and Dr. Gorgas completely eradicated Yellow fever from the construction site by 1906.
    - Landslides
    - A problem of whole mountains offsetting as a result of the use of explosives and remained a problem even after the canal's opening
    - Unions
    - Started because of segregation, low pay, and mistreatment
  • Panama Canal officially opens

  • U.S. Relinquishes Control over the Canal to Panama

    America and Panama signs the Panama Canal Treaty and neutrality treaty.