The jewish Migration
During WWII many Jewish people began to immigrate to Palestine. Most of the Jewish population had been looking for a homeland after WWII, specifically after the Holocaust. The population in Palestine was 94% Arab. Because of the growing Jewish population, tensions began to rise between the Jewish and Palestinian populations. -
United Nations Partition Plan
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal developed by the United Nations. -
The British Leave Palestine
The British leave Palestineand the Jewish population takes over and proclaims the land to be Israel. The Arab- Israeli wars begin, and the neighboring Arab countries wanted to aid the Palestinians to regain the land. At the end of the war, the Israeli militias won the wars. Palestinians began to flee neighborin countries, so they could live as refugees, because they had been exiled from their homeland. -
Resolution 194
In 1948, Article 11 of Resolution 194 ( A plan made by the UN in an attempt to solve conflict) allowed the right of return to many Palestinian refugees. However, the Israelis did not see it as a possible solution. This is because they believed the Arab states, including Palestine were unwilling to keep peace with Israel. -
Israel Rejects Resolution 194
In 1949, Israel rejects the ideas of Article 11 of Resolution 194. Israel does not admit to any responsibility regarding the Palestinian refugees, and does not want to be held responsible for the refugees. Israel argues that the conflict began when the Arab states decided to attack Israel. Palestinians begin to protest for their right of return. -
6 Day war
This War lasted 6 days (witch is not along time saying wars can last like 6 months) and It was between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (witch was known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria. -
Munich olympics
A Palestine terrorist attack during the 1972 Olympics -
Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accords were signed by the Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978. -
Oslo Agreement
The Oslo Agreement was an attempt in 1993 to set up something that would lead to the resolution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was the first in person agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, also known as the PLO. -
Peace Talks
Peace Talks were held between Israelis and Palestinians, and the idea of creating a two state solution. However, Palestinians will not agree to this idea without including east Jerusalem and the west bank. These talks are creating more tension between the two groups.