Ophiacodon mirus


  • Jan 1, 1111

    early hard shell crestations appear

    early hard shell crestations appear
    550 mya the first fossils were monoplacophorans, early ancestors of many of the mollusks and crestations today.
  • Jan 1, 1112

    earliest vertibre creatures start to appear

    earliest vertibre creatures start to appear
    530 mya the first backboned animals were jawles and were named agnathans.
  • Oct 19, 1113

    earliest fish evolve

    earliest fish evolve
    450 mya fish that have cartlaged vertibre have started to evolve, these are the earliest ancestors to todays sharks
  • May 9, 1114

    plants take root on land

    plants take root on land
    plants begin to root on land 430 mya
  • May 9, 1115

    amphibians emerge from water

    amphibians emerge from water
    amphibions started pulling themselves from the water 370 mya
  • May 9, 1117

    earths landforms comes together

    earths landforms comes together
    landforms come together to make a super continent
  • May 9, 1118

    reptiles take over

    reptiles take over
    reptiles ruled the land 265 mya