
  • Period: to

    Independence from the United Kingdom

    Declaration: 23 March 1940
    Independence: 14 August 1947
    Dominion Status terminated: 23 March 1956
    Eastern Terriroty withdrawn: 26 March 1971
    Constitution: 14 August 1973
  • Independence

    Commanding Heights Two-part nation separated by India.
  • Period: to

    Bangladesh Liberation War

    Bangladesh Liberation War- India intervened to help East Pakistan become Bangladesh.
  • Constitution Signed

    Enacts federal parliamentary system. At the same time, a socialist economic reform is instituted; capitalism suffers.
  • Government Coup

    Separatist movements cause tension. Claims of election fraud result in coup. Union activity is banned.
  • Period: to

    Islamic Fundamentalist Rule

    Following the coup, General Mohammad Zia ul-Haq becomes President and declares Islamic law. Afghan fighters begin taking shelter in Pakistan.
  • Period: to

    Referendum Election

    General Mohammad Zia ul-Haq wins a referendum for another five-year term. The country also receives aid from the US in response to 3M Afghan refugees entering Pakistan.
  • Period: to

    Civilian Cabinet formed

    Direct elections allowed, civilian Cabinet formed, and constitution amended.
  • Period: to

    Pakistan People's Party

    President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq dissolves the Cabinet, then mysteriously dies in a plane crash. Elections take place for new President, Ishaq Khan.
  • Period: to

    Coalition Government

    A coalition government is formed after the President dismissed the Prime Minister and her staff due to allegations of corruption. Tensions with India rise.
  • Period: to


    Attempts to increase privitization and deregulation are met with scandal and the reforms worsen poverty. Islamic law is enforced again, but the President dismisses the Prime Minister. Catastrophic flooding hits the north.
  • Period: to

    New Coalition

    A new coalition government is in power. Violence escalates among ehtinc, religious, and political minorities. The party is again dismissed due to corruption allegations.
  • Period: to

    Economic Reform

    The new Prime Minister promises market-oriented economic reform as taxes and tariffs are reduced. He enters a dispute with the Supreme Court regarding the President's power to dismiss elected officials.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear Testing

    All the positive economic reforms fail as Western nations suspend investment due to nuclear tests (which were in response to India's testing). The government promises no more tests, and the IMF agrees to a $5.5B bailout. Another coup follows.
  • Period: to

    General Musharraf as President

    IMF continues with bailout despite the coup, but economic conditions don't improve. After September 11th, Pakistan cooperates with the US and sees continued aid. Tensions mount with India in Kashmir. The economy improves with low inflations and better relationships with external partners despire threat of conflict.
  • Period: to

    National Security

    National security concerns rise as a nuclear scientist admits to having leaked secrets to North Korea, Libya, and Iran. Pakistan also mounts an offensive against al-Qaeda, leading to creation of military-led National Security Council. In Aug 2005, a nuclear-capable cruise missle is tested. BBC timeline
  • Kashmir Earthquake

    A 7.6M earthquake strikes the Kashmir region, killing around 86K and displacing over 2.8M.
  • Period: to

    Musharraf resigns

    President Musharraf tries to dismiss members of the Supreme Court, triggering protests. He wins reelection and immediately dismisses a justice, triggering an impeachment proceeding. He resigns and an ex-prime minister is assassinated. The tribal areas see numerous suicide bombs.
  • Civilian Government instituted

  • Parliamentary System instituted

    Parliamentary System
  • Period: to

    Tensions with US

    Osama bin Laden is killed and the government comes under pressure after a memo is leaked alleging US aid was sought against a coup. The US cuts aid but Pakistan ultimately agrees to reopen NATO suppy lines to Afghanistan.
  • Reform

    Parliament strives for reform and approves wide-ranging constitutional reforms. Key elements included transferring powers from the president to prime minister.
  • Period: to

    Conflict with Taliban Increases

    A case against a girl detained for blasphemy draws widespread global criticism. The Taliban injure 14-year old Malala Yousafzai, who later wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace talks with the Taliban fail and the army launches an offensive in the northwest.
  • Peshawar school massacre

    An attack by the Taliban in Peshawar leaves 150 dead, mostly children. The government lifts a ban on the death penalty with mixed reactions.
  • Trade Agreement with China

    China and Pakistan sign billions dollar agreements to boost infrastructure designed to end the chronic energy crisis and transform the country into a regional economic hub.
  • Period: to

    Imran Khan

    Corruption charges lead to ousting of Prime Minister Sharif, who serves jail time. Former cricket star Imran Khan becomes Prime Minister and promises to end corruption.
  • Vote of No Confidence

    Imran Khan loses to Shehbaz Sharif as Prime Minister after vote of no-confidence.