Pai Marire Events

  • Te ua Haumene

    Te ua Haumene
    Te ua haumene converted to Christianity in the early 1830s. he questioned the missionaries' teachings after his experience with land conflict in Taranaki
  • Pai Marire Beginning

    Pai Marire Beginning
    Te tua Haumene had visions of seeing an angel telling him that Maori are God's chosen people and that God would deliver stolen land back to Maori. Soon after that, he created the religion Pai Marire, which can be considered a movement of unity or a kotahitanga. this would create a strong bond for different Maori iwi's. this religion Pai marire literary translates to Good and peaceful. Government sent out "military" settlers to ocuppy stolen land by keeping maori off to keep it for themselves
  • The Attack on Taranaki

    The Attack on Taranaki
    Pai Marire warriors ambushed a British Patrol in Taranaki killing seven Pakeha with the rest of the patrol escaping. they took the heads of the dead patrollers preserved them and gave them to te ua haumini, as this was a Maori tradition. This of course horrified the British which gave them a negative look on Pai marire, but Maori sympathized for Maori because of all the unfairness the British brought with land sales.
  • Support from Te Waka Tohea

    Support from Te Waka Tohea
    Te ua Haumini and his disciples got support from te waka toheain the bat of plenty. some Maori believe the Government was spying on them through a missionary named Karvulcnah so they did the most suitable thing and performed a ritual destroying his corpse. This was to repay utu and this triggered many of the next wars.
  • Mid 1860's

    More and More settlers fought as volunteer malicion that lacked the discipline of pro british soldiers and people from the UK doubted that Pai Marire were doing any harm to london after there was a rumour that Pai Marire planned to invade london. In this point in time a lot of maori were fighting alongside the british because of tribal and relgious issuses.
  • The Fall of Pai Marire

    The Fall of Pai Marire
    Pai Marire was defeated and were exiled to The Chatham Islands. Te Koti Arikirangi te turuki was accused of spying on Pai Marire evan though he was fighting against Pai marire, plus they had no evedince of any spying. Te koti had his land conviscated and he was exiled.Te koti had religious dreams believing to hear the voice of God and started the relgion "ringatu." it rapidly got a lot of support among the exiles
  • The Rise of Pai Marire

    Te Kooti and followers captured a supply ship from the Chatham islands back to northland and set up a guerilla campaign that lasted for years. After Te ua Haumini died te toku waru took control of Pai Marire and as the Government was confiscating more and more land he was put into a bad situation.
  • Te Toku Waru, The Military Genius

    Te Toku Waru, The Military Genius
    He and a handful of warriors was up against the colonial army and it's Maori allies. unfortunately for the Government Te toku waru was a military genius and used a tactic where his small army would build pa as a defense and take out a group of soldiers and go deeper into the forest to build another pa. This tactic was really effective