Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake
The 1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake (M 9) produced a tsunami reaching heights of 23ft. The combined forces of the Earthquake and tsunami killed around 20,000 people. -
Explosion of Krakatoa volcano
The 1883 tsunami was caused by the explosion of Krakatoa volcano in the Sundra Strait between Java and Sumatra. The explosion caused the volcano to collapses in the ocean and produced a 115ft tsunami killing 36,000 people. -
Aleutions (Alaska) earthquake
The 1946 Aeution (Alaska) earthquake (Mag 8.1) produced a tsunami killing 160 Hawaiians -
Chile Earthquake
The 1960 Chile earthquake (Mag 9.5) triggered a tsunami which traveled 15 hours, killing 61 Hawaiians. -
Alaska Earthquake
The 1964 Alaska earthquake (Mag 9.2) generated a tsunami which killed 130 people in Alaska and California. -
Sea of Japan Earthquake
The 1993 earthquake (Mag 7.8) in the sea of japan caused a tsunami which killed 120 people on the Okushiri Island, Japan -
Papua, New Guinea Earthquake
The 1998 Papua, New Guinea earthquake (Mag 7.1) trigged a submarine land slid producing a tsunami, killing 2,100 people. -
Sumatra earthquake
The 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mag 9.1) generated a tsunami killing 230,000 people -
Samoa earthquake
The 2009 Samoa earthquake (Mag 8.1) caused a tsunami killing 200 People -
Chile Earthquake
The 2010 Chile earthquake (Mag 8.8) triggered a tsunami Killing 700 people in Coastal towns. -
Japan Earthquake
The 2011 Japan Earthquake (Mag 9.1) generated a tsunami killing 20,000 people.