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Oregon Territory (science)
I think its a science experiment that we kept sending settlers to a land with no civil or formal government -
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Fur Trade (Ecconomics)
The fur trade was the first indrusty the Pacific Northwest had -
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Lewis and Clark expedition (science)
They expored the land documenting new animals and land -
Fort Henry (architecture)
first American fur post -
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Oregon Trail (Enviorment)
With the Oregon Trail It shaped the way the Indains will be treated causing them to move and bringing pollution -
The Treaty of Ghent (Government)
Ended the War of 1812 between US and Britten and states both parties must peacful reside in the Pacific Northwest -
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Mission Era (Religious)
White Missionaries came to the Pacific North West to teach Indians a new way of life. -
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Manifest Destiny ( religion)
A Influential attitude that the nation has a God given right to expand the limits of the continent -
meeting in Champoeg (Envioment)
The meeting were Oregon setlers said that slaveowners had to free blacks but then blacks were not allowed in the area and had to leave with in 3 years to advoid punishment -
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Indian Wars (Government)
When the whites took Native land and when the Natives rebelled we decided to add more force with the land seizing -
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mormon migration (religion)
Mormons migrate from Salt Lake to the Pacific North West -
Cataldo Mission (architecture)
the Cataldo Misson is the oldest building in Idaho and its still standing -
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Gold Rush (Ecconomics)
The gold rush was another big indrustry that attracted settlers to the land -
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Mullan Road (architechture)
one of the first roads built in the North West -
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steam boat Navigation on the Columbia river (technology
steamboats navigating on the river changing the way cargo was carried in the Northwest -
Lewistion Washington tent town (arichtechture)
the tent towns that formed with the gold rush -
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Railroad ( Ecconomics)
The railroad indrustry was the bigsest indrusty in America -
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Womens Voting Rights (Government)
Women fought for the right to vote