Class expectations, welcome back!!
Discuss gum/candy rules for the school. Discuss Cell phone rule for the school and the class. Discuss attendance expectations. Complete log in and practice computer use and rules. -
Continue expectations for students
Fire drills and safety procedures. Begin practicing items from the previous year to get students thinking. -
Integers 8/21-25/17
Complete the Sieve of Eratosthenes using the hundreds chart. Identify prime numbers, composite numbers, and discuss mathematical habits of mind. SMI testing to benchmark students' math level for the year. Order of Operations. Words into math chart reference sheet. Introduce the Asian Bar method to solving math. -
Arithmetic Review 8/28-1/17
Addition - Introduce ratios, rates. Subtraction - ratios, rates, mixture problems. Multiplication - rates and proportions. Division usng tables to solve problems. -
Arithmetic review 9/5-8/17
Discuss results of previous week. Proportions to solve problems. Use unit rates in real world applications. Discuss student problem areas. -
Arithmetic Review 9/11-15/17
Inegers and Absolute value math connections. Comparing and ordering integers. Adding integers, subtracting integers. Coordinate planes. -
Arithmetic Review 9/18-21/17
Problem solving, subtracting integers, multiplying integers dividing integers, the coordinate plane. -
Arithmetic Review problems solving 9/25-29/17
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division notes. Mixed practice of problems.