Pablo Picasso's Timeline

  • Pablo was born.

    Pablo was born.
    Pablo Picasso was born.
  • Period: to

    Pablo Picasso

  • Painted sister's face

    Pablo painted his sister's face with egg yolk and his mother got really mad at him so she had to tell his father.
  • Art Academy

    Pablo went to the art academy when he was fourteen.
  • Entered "Blue Period"

    Pablo Picasso entered the Blue Period
  • Painted "The Old Guitarist"

  • "Blue Period" finished and entered "Rose Period" and fell in love with Fernande

  • started using the Cubism

  • Created paintings and sold them.

    Created more paintings and started to sell them.
  • Pablo painted "The seated Woman"

  • Pablo supported the Republicans.

  • Pablo paintings "Guernica"

  • Pablo started to use the collages

  • Pablo made the sculpture "Girl Jumping Rope"

  • Pablo started to use ceramics

  • Pablo found a new material called Linoleum

  • Pablo died