Pablo Picasso

  • The Birth of an Artist

    Pablo Picasso was Born
  • The Start of A New Life

    In 1891 at ten years old, the family moved to A Coruna where School of Fine Arts hired Ruiz to be a professor.
  • The Start of His Career

    That date is said to be 1894, when Picasso was just 13 his art work went from childish to a true work of art
  • The Loss of Family

    Picasso and his family were horrified when his seven-year-old sister died of diphtheria in 1895.
  • On The Move

    They relocated to Barcelona and Ruiz began working at its School of Fine Arts.
  • The First Note Worthy Painting

    At the age of 14, he painted Portrait of Aunt Pepa,
  • The Beginning of A Master

    Picasso was admitted at the age of just 13 into the Fine Arts school
  • The Work Starts Paying Off

    at age 16, Picasso created his award-winning Science and Charity.
  • The Road to Success

    At the age of 16 he was sent to Spain's foremost art school in Madrid, the Royal Academy of San Fernando.
  • Period: to

    The Blue Period

    Picasso's works during this period depict malnutrition, prostitution, and the posthumous portraits of friend Carlos Casagemas after his suicide.
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    The Rose Period

    A period featuring orange and pink hues and the playful worlds of circus people and harlequins. Picasso met a bohemian artist named Fernande Olivier who became his lover.
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    African Influence

    Les Demoiselles d'Avignon was Picasso's first masterpiece. The painting depicts five naked women with figures composed of flat, splintered planes and faces inspired by Iberian sculpture and African masks. When Les Demoiselles d'Avignon first appeared, it was as if the art world had collapsed. Hence it was called the most innovative painting in modern art history.
  • Period: to


    Paul Cézanne and Vincent van Gogh, to archaic and tribal art - that encouraged Picasso to lend his figures more weight and structure around 1907. They ultimately set him on the path towards Cubism, in which he deconstructed the conventions of perspective that had dominated Renaissance art
  • The Loss of an Artist

    Pablo Picasso passes Picasso's final works were a mixed between the many styles he'd embraced throughout his life. Towards the end of his career, Picasso enjoyed examining Classical works that had influenced his development over the years. A multitude of paintings Picasso painted during his final years are now widely accepted as the beginning of the Neo-Expressionism movement. His inspiration has led the newer generation to create their own paintings and in the style that they wanted.