
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    While the internet world and field of technology was soon being a prevalent spectrum to human society, MIT student, Ivan Sutherland, created an online sketchpad that had the maximum ability of creating and storing single-shaped subjects.
  • Progresive Era

    Progresive Era
    As technology grew more advance, human beings developed stable softwares that permitted in working with computer graphics. Softwares such as ANIMAC, SCANIMATE and CAESAR allowed early animators to grant life into their hand drawn films.
    EX: Early Disney traditions
  • Mainstream Development

    Mainstream Development
    Various films such as Pixar's, "Toy Story" was run from 3D computer graphics. The prospering development of traditional softwares and even the new ones such as Vol Libre, allowed many creators
  • More than just Films... Gaming?

    More than just Films... Gaming?
    While 3D computer graphics was held in high praise in mainstream media, many game developers grew to create their product under this three-dimensional vision. This vision allowed their audience to play into a world that felt too close to home, along the lines of realism.
    EX: "The Last of Us"
  • Where We are Now: The Present

    Where We are Now: The Present
    From a creation that had recently just started, 3D computer graphics has gone a long way. 3D computer graphics have gone through experimentation to provide various companies options to promote their product in their own unique style.
    EX: "Beyond Two Souls"–3D computer game