Source 1
Police Brutality of Black Men and the Destruction of the African-American Community
Judson L. Jeffries
Published in 2001
Police violence is systematic targeting twoards black males. Officers target black males because they have stereotyped them to be violent people, and killing these men is impacting the whole African American community as a whole -
Souce 2
Racial Profiling
Gregory M. Lipper
Published in 2001
African Americans have a disporportiante amount of traffic stops compared to whites. -
Source 3
Letting DOJ Lead the Way: Why DOJ's Pattern or Practice Authority Is the Most Effective Tool to Control Racial Profiling
Holly James McMickle
Published in 2003
McMickle believes the Department of Justice is the cure to all the police brutality. -
Source 4
Racial Profiling-Separate And Unequal Keeping The Minorities In Line-The Role Of Law Enforcement In America
April Walker
Published in 2011
Walker discusses factors that may affect racial profiling, however, African American males are the most targeted. -
Source 5
White Power, Black Crime, And Racial Politics
Robert Staples
Published in 2011
Cops are rarely brought to to trial for killing a person of color. Staples also discusses the case where Henry Louis Gates Jr. was racially proflied. -
Source 6
Perceptions Of African American Police Officers On Racial Profiling In Small Agencies
Charles P. Wilson, Shirley A. Wilson, and Malane Thou
Published in 2015
The authors discuss that African American males are viewed as preadators. They conduced research into small police agiencies, they concluded that biased-based policing exists in agiences across the nation.