P2 Early Draft

  • Period: to

    Portrayal of Asian Americans in Media and Television

  • Ethnographic Study on Asian Americans in Film, Television, and Theater

    Ethnographic Study on Asian Americans in Film, Television, and Theater
    This study focuses on the nature of the acting business from the prospective of Asian American actors at the time. Some of the main points of discussion include limited opportunities for movie roles and misrepresentation of Asian culture. Asian characters are limited to characteristics pertaining to stereotypes because Hollywood does not want to take a chance. Many of the portrayals involve martial arts.
  • The influence of media on Asian stereotypes

    The influence of media on Asian stereotypes
    This study discusses the media's portrayal of Asian Americans and its effects. The media characterize Asian into three common stereotypes: the model minority, poor communicator, and foreigner. The author's research focuses on how the media perpetuate Asian stereotypes through their misportrayal of Asian culture. The media also has an affect on how other people perceive Asian Americans.
  • The Digital Age

    The Digital Age
    With the growing popularity of social media websites such as youtube, discussion about media portrayal of Asian Americans has increased. The popularity of Asians on Youtube has provided evidence for the underrepresentation of Asians in Hollywood. Asians have capitalized on this social medium to inform people about Asian society and culture.
  • Another Model Minority Study

    Another Model Minority Study
    This study establishes some evidence that Asians are being portrayed as smart, diligent, and hard-working. The survey conducted at a college with various participants concluded that media exposure to Asian stereotypes perpetuates this belief among Americans. As a result, others believe that the media portrayal is true when in reality, it is further from the truth.