Overview of the 1920s in Canada

  • United Artists is created

    United Artists is created
    United Artists (UA) was the first movie studio created and owned by the actors in their films. One of the owners was Canadian actress Mary Pickford, the most famous actress in the world.
  • First transatlantic flight completed

    First transatlantic flight completed
    John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed the first airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean from Ireland to Newfoundland. It took about 14 hours without stopping.
  • Winnipeg General Strike Ended

    Winnipeg General Strike Ended
    A strike of almost all workers in Winnipeg ended. It began May 15 and nearly shut down the city hoping to get better wages and working conditions for workers. It ended when the leaders of the strike were all arrested.
  • Group of Seven's first art exhibit

    Group of Seven's first art exhibit
    A group of 7 Canadian landscape painters had their first exhibit. They would go on to become the most well known painters of Canada and would influence what it means to be Canadian.
  • 1st Woman elected to Canadian government

    1st Woman elected to Canadian government
    Agnes Macphail was elected to the Canadian government. Just 4 years before this women were not even able to vote in Canadian elections.
  • Adam Beck #1 starts to make electricity

    Adam Beck #1 starts to make electricity
    Adam Beck #1, the new hydroelectricity generating station in Niagara Falls began to produce electricity for people between Niagara Falls and Toronto. Its size would expand until 1930.
  • Hockey Night in Canada first broadcast

    Hockey Night in Canada first broadcast
    Hockey Night in Canada began radio play by play announcing of Toronto Maple Leafs games. The following month the broadcast would be taken over by Foster Hewitt. Hockey Night in Canada is still one of the most watched shows on Canadian TV and Foster Hewitt is one of Canada's most famous radio broadcasters ever.
  • Chinese Immigration Act is created

    Chinese Immigration Act is created
    This law, sometimes called the Chinese Exclusion Act, banned almost all immigration to Canada from China.
  • Banting and Macleod win Nobel Prize for insulin

    Banting and Macleod win Nobel Prize for insulin
    Drs. Frederick Banting and James MacLeod won the Noebl prize for discovering and refining insulin to be used as a treatment for diabetes. Charles Best who also worked on the project was excluded form the prize.
  • First Traffic Light in Canada

    First Traffic Light in Canada
    The first traffic light was installed at the intersection where Main St. East and King St. East cross in Hamilton, Ontario.
  • Marriage and Divorce Act goes into effect

    Marriage and Divorce Act goes into effect
    The laws about marriage and divorce were changed so that women could get a divorce if their husbands cheated on them. Before this, only men could do that.
  • Regulation 17 ended

    Regulation 17 ended
    The government of Ontario stopped enforcing Regulation 17 and made French and English equal in Ontario schools. The Regulation was not officially removed from law books until 1944.
  • CFRB begins to broadcast

    CFRB begins to broadcast
    CFRB was Canada's first radio broadcasters not owned by the government. The station started in Toronto and was opened to help sell the Rogers Batteryless Radio invented by Ted Roger, Sr.
  • Prohibition ended in Ontario

    Prohibition ended in Ontario
    The Ontario Temperance Act was replaced by the Liquor Licence Act. This made alcohol a product whose sale was controlled by the government. Alcohol sales had been banned in Ontario since WWI.
  • First Female Pilot

    First Female Pilot
    Eileen Vollick became the 1st licensed female pilot in Canada on her 19th birthday. She was also the 1st woman to parachute into water when she jumped from a Curtiss JN-4 into Hamilton Harbour.
  • First talking film in Canada

    First talking film in Canada
    The first talking film made and shown in Canada was presented in Timmins, Ontario. The first one in the world had been released 2 years earlier - the Jazz Singer.