Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom

  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Major Role Players: Plantation Owners, Americans, Hawaiian Planters
    Brief summary: The Reciprocity Treaty was the aftermath of the Alien Land Ownership Act & Kuleana Act; the sugar plantations business began to increasingly grow in Hawaii. This treaty allowed duty-free imports of Hawaiian agriculture, like sugar, to be sent to the United States. This was vice versa of the United States agriculture products and manufactured products to be allowed into Hawaiian ports duty-free.
  • Bayonet Constitution

    Bayonet Constitution
    Major Role Players: Americans, King Kalakaua, Hawaiian League,Legislature
    The Reciprocity Treaty was the aftermath of the Alien Land Ownership Act & Kuleana Act; the sugar plantations business began to increasingly grow in Hawaii. This treaty allowed duty-free imports of Hawaiian agriculture, like sugar, to be sent to the United States. This was the vice versa for the United States. Agricultural products and manufactured products are allowed into Hawaiian ports duty-free.
  • McKinley Tariff

    McKinley Tariff
    Major role players: Republic and Democratic parties
    Brief summary: The McKinley Tariff act raised the average tax by 50%, making the prices of sugar go higher. Tax was increased due to protecting the domestic industries and workers from foreign competition.
  • King Kalakaua Died

    King Kalakaua Died
    Major Role Player: King Kalakaua
    King Kalakaua died due to Bright's disease (inflammation of the kidneys).
  • Queen Lili´uokalani succeeded the throne

    Queen Lili´uokalani succeeded the throne
    Major role players- Queen Lili´uokalani
    Queen Lili´uokalani succeeded the throne as the last monarch, the ruler, after her older brother’s death.
  • Queens Lili´uokalani new constitution

    Queens Lili´uokalani new constitution
    Major role players:Queen Lili´uokalani
    On April 12, 1892, Queen Lili´uokalani's first legislature, a new constitution was made, giving power back to the monarchy rather than the rich merchants who controlled the kingdom.
  • US invading Hawaii

    US invading Hawaii
    Major role player-Queen Lili´uokalani
    The Hawaiian Kingdom was invaded by American forces, and the following day, Her Majesty Queen Lili´uokalani, the executive monarch, surrendered.
  • Hawaii became a territory

    Hawaii became a territory
    Major role players- President McKinely
    Hawaii was officially annexed by the United States on July 7, 1898. It became a territory of the United States.
  • Hawaii becoming the 50th state

    Hawaii becoming the 50th state
    Major role players- President Dwight D Eisenhower
    Hawaii became one of the official US states instead of a US territory as it was before.