Overthrow of Hawaii

  • Treaty of Reciprocity

    Treaty of Reciprocity
    During the Civil war, Hawaiian Sugar was imported to the U.S. Thus, Hawaiian planter’s profits soared as the price for sugar rose 525%. The Reciprocity treaty allowed Hawaii to sell to the United States without paying duties or taxes.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    It had taken away most of the native Hawaiian rights. On the other hand it had given the Americans, and Europeans more power and more rights since for them, they were automatically given free voting rights with Hawaiian citizenship. The monarchy was also stripped of its authority
  • The McKinley Tariff

    The McKinley Tariff
    The McKinely Tariff removed Hawaii’s tax-free sugar trading status. It also gave domestic U.S sugar growers a subsidy so they could sell their sugar at lower prices. As a result, Hawaiian sugar prices plunged 40%
  • Queen Liliuokalani’s New Constitution

    Queen Liliuokalani’s New Constitution
    This constitution would restore the native Hawaiian rights. But this constitution was never implemented, Queen Liliuokalani was imprisoned because the other party had wanted to have power over the hawaiians and they didn't want anybody to revolt against them.
  • Formation of the Republic of Hawaii

     Formation of the Republic of Hawaii
    The leaders in the provisional government had decided to form into the republic of hawaii, and they had a requirement for votes to swear allegiance to the republic, but a lot of the native hawaiians had declined. But foreigners who were perfectly fine with, and supported the overthrow were allowed to vote. A month after that royalists had traveled to washington to convince cleveland to restore Liliuokalani to the throne
  • Attempted Counter-revolution

    Attempted Counter-revolution
    Several Native Hawaiians and Royalists gathered up to counterrevolution to restore the monarchy. However, they failed; sentencing several of the leaders to death and giving long prison sentences to several of the people involved.
  • Annexation by U.S

    Annexation by U.S
    Pro-annexation forces turned in a request to annex the republic of hawaii by joint resolution, it was signed into law by President Mckinley. After that Hawaii was formally transferred to the U.S.
  • Territory of Hawaii Begins

    Territory of Hawaii Begins
    President McKinley signed the U.S Organic Act. It provided the Territory of Hawaii a government. The United States granted U.S citizenship to those who lived there. It excluded Asians and also prevented Chinese Immigration.
  • Hawaii Becomes a State

    Hawaii Becomes a State
    In March 1959, a Hawaiian statehood resolution was passed. Then, on August 21, 1959 Hawaii finally became the 50th state of America.