Overpopulation In China

  • Overpopulation in china starts

    Overpopulation in china starts
    The first day that overpopulation effects china
  • Where are the resources going

    Where are the resources going
    many people in china are going and have died because they are not giving out the resources to the people
  • Growth increased rapidly

    Growth increased rapidly
    From 1953-1964 China's population growth added nearley 112,000,000 people. Death rates were falling and birth rates still high.
  • Period: to

    Growth increased rapidly

    China's population growth added nearley 112,000,000 people
  • The Downfall

    The Downfall
    1958-1961 the coutry went through a downfall because of the sortage of food and led to 20,000,000 deaths
  • Period: to

    The Downfall

    1958-1961 the counry went through a downfall shortage of food and water. which led to 20,000,000 deaths
  • Pollution killing

    Pollution killing
    The people were dieing do to the fact that there were more jobs whiched caused air pollution and people were getting sick and there wasnt enough room in many of the hepl centers
  • One Child Policy

    One Child Policy
    In the 1970's and 1980's the chinese communist leader issued the One Child Policy which caused a decrease in the females population sice males were considerd strong and intelligent and females were seen as weak and unintelligent
  • Period: to

    One Child Policy

    Chinese communist leader issued the One Child Policy
  • Forced Issues

    Forced Issues
    The One Child Policy inforced that people who kept having kids or girls were forced to have an abortion or to put the kid up for adoption or either give it to another family member.
  • Population in 2011

    Population in 2011
    IN 2011 the population arte in China was 1,475,150,000 people
  • Causing Problems

     Causing Problems
    still to this day the Overpopulation in china has cause many problems, it has caused uprisings, conflict with ther countries, and human right violations
  • Elderly Not Heping

    Elderly Not Heping
    The more elderly people that are in china the higher the taxes will increase and families will be on welfair