overpopulation and foods

  • Transgenic wheat was created

  • some countries start to restrict genetically modified food,include germany and french

  • Scanlan, Stephen J. "Food Availability and Access in Lesser-Industrialized Societies: A Test and Interpretation of Neo-Malthusian and Technoecological Theories." Sociological Forum 16.2 (2001): 231. Print.

  • Young, Anthony. "Poverty, Hunger and Population Policy: Linking Cairo with Johannesburg." Geographical Journal 171.1 (2005): 83-95. Print.

  • in the future of china, 30 million males can't find thrie mate

  • "Biotechnology and the Development of Food Markets: Retrospect and Prospects." European Review of Agricultural Economics 35.3 (2008): 331. Print.

  • we have 7 billion people in the world

  • Wright, Matthew, and Ashraf Uddin. "Organic—inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells: A Comparative Review." Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 107 (2012): 87-111. Print.

  • EDGERTON-TARPLEY, KATHRYN. "Tough Choices: Grappling with Famine in Qing China, the British Empire, and Beyond." Journal of World History 24.1 (2013): 135-76. Print.

  • Evans, M. Life on the Brink: Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation. American Library Association CHOICE, 2013. Print.

  • China adjust one-child policy