Arab muslim empire 632 750ce

overlaping empires

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    ottman empire begins

    the ottmans empire begins
  • Jan 1, 1453

    1453 medmed ll captures constantinpole

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    safavid empire begins

    safavids begins
  • Feb 13, 1514

    1514 Safavids defeated by Ottomans

  • Feb 13, 1520

    1520 Suleyman the Magnificent becomes King.

    1520 Suleyman the Magnificent becomes King.
    suleyman becomes a king
  • Period: Feb 11, 1525 to

    mungal empire begins

  • Feb 13, 1556

    1556 Akbar becomes King

  • 1588 Abbas becomes Shah of the Safavid Empire.