Over view of the history of early childhood education in New Zealand

By 30863
  • Parish work houses

  • London foundling homes for

    (Infants)Thomas Coran-100 percent mortality rate (Idler children survived)
  • First book on child rearing written Dr William Cadgon

  • Protestant and catholic orphan schools opened in Austalia

  • Kindergartens spread through Germany

  • Sisters of mercy founded an orphanage in Auckland

  • Angelican church (Parnell orphan home)

  • Neglected criminal children's act

  • 10 Institutes established for orphaned and destitute children

  • Dunedin creche formed- Baby farming

  • Industrial schools act allowed for FASTERING

  • First kindergarten opened in Dunedin- started with 14 children and by the end of the year there were 60 children

  • New Zealand first founding home. Mother Aubert. Children's protection act. Infants under one accounted for a quarter of deaths in there population

  • Infant life protection act

  • Adoption of children's act

  • World congress for women. Legislated the protection of children in family and work places.

  • Mothering was seen as an occupation of value.

  • First creche in Wellington-Mother Aubert established a crechefor children of unmarried mothers.

  • Professional baby farmer (Mary Ann Guy) convicted of murder.

  • Infant moralities dropped to become the lowest int the world.

  • Plunket movement started in Dunedin.

  • Karitane homes for babies opened in Dunedin.

  • 60 branches formed with Plunket nurses and 6 Karitane hospitals opened.

  • Mother craft manual ' feeding' & care of baby

  • The great ' depression" and Dunedin nursery established

  • Elizabeth McCombs first woman member of parliament- Eatablished a community creche run by a city council.

  • 34 free kindergartens 2 charitable creches

  • New play center federation is constituted.

  • Moira Bell ( Nee Callagher) promotes child centered programes.

  • Play center and kindergarten create work force of women in preschool education. Play centers receive 2,635 pounds and kindergartens 247,000 pounds from the government.

  • Recruitment and training of teachers was moved to teachers colleges.

  • 92 play centers

  • New Zealand free kindergarten association is formed. Government tries to get more co-operation between play centers and kindergartens.

  • NZTKA negotiates employment conditions.

  • Play centers and kindergartens create work force of women in preschool education. Play center receives 2,635 pounds and kindergartens receives 247,000 pounds from the government.

  • First New Zealand child care regulations

  • First married women accepted into primary and kindergarten training.

  • Cultural awareness is accepted into day cares and schools

  • All kindergartens staffed were fully trained teachers.

  • Plunket philosophy changes- Identifies child's development. ( 0-5 years)

  • Government introduces free subsidies to parents unable to afford the costs of child care.

  • Government commissioned a report into child care issues. (Which found the need for better regulationsand more trained and qualified staff. (5 years until it was released in 1981)

  • National car seat rental program introduced.

  • Hine Potaka developed the idea of a Maori curriculum for Maori children.

  • Government introducing grants to support early child hood learning training.

  • Labour government transfres early childhood services from department of social welfare to the ministry of education

  • Department of education replaced by the ministry of education. Whose primary role was to focus on policy development and funding. Government report on E.C.E publishing " Education to be more" closely followed by.

  • " Before fives" Reform

  • E.C.E curriculum acknowledged a bi- cultural nation was under development.

  • Period: to

    1029 new E.C.E centers open.

  • First university to establish an early childhood department. (University of Waikato)

  • Impact of budget- Fees go up and wages go down. Cut in kindergarten ratios but increase of roll numbers. Ratios for funding under 2 children was reduced and redirected towards a government lead, (P.A.F.T)

  • First New Zealand curriculum for early childhood (Te Whariki)

  • Quality in action ( D.O.P.S) & regulations released.

  • 10 Year strategic plan

  • 6 centers of innovation named.

  • Kei tua o te pae- Assessment for learning. Early childhood exemplars

  • 20 Hours free E.C.E Introduced by labour government.

  • Updated early childhood regulations increased

  • Budget- announces removel of 100% funding rate. 20 Hours extended to include- 5 year old's, kohanga reo and play centers. 80-100% new funding rate will be reduced. Reduction in funding for 80% rate.

  • Period: to

    Participation initiatives, such as intensive community participation program, (ICPP) and engaging priority family ( E.P.F) are established in areas of high need, (Michelle et al, 2013)

  • ECE task force, an agenda for amazing children report published contains 65 recommendations for wide ranging reforms. (NZEI, 2016)

  • Sector advisory group on early childhood education funding established ( NZEI,2016) Providing children under 2 with better quality E.C.E and supporting the vulnerable children with an action plan.

  • Vulnerable children's act passed