Outer Planets

  • Mar 25, 1500


    Jupiter was never really discovered by anyone. Everybody always knew it was there because it was so big. They named the planet Zeus and the english translation is Jupiter. Greeks believe Zeus is the god of gods so they named Jupiter the god of all the planets.
  • Uranus

    Frederick William Herschel founded Uranus. At first he thought it was a comet so he named it Goerge's Comet. The motion was unlike any other comet, so it became known as Uranus.
  • Neptune

    Johann Galle and his student Urbain Le Verrier discovered Neptune. The made a mistake in the calculation of another planet and ended up finding Neptune.
  • Pluto

    Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto.
  • Voyager Spacecraft

    Voyager Spacecraft pass Jupiter and Saturn gathering a huge amout of imformation.
  • Rings around Uranus

    Uranus's rings are discovered.
  • Charon

    Pluto's moon, Charon is discovered.
  • Rings around Neptune

    The rings around Neputne are discovered.
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10 was the first man made object to go past all of the planets.
  • Voyager 2

    Voyager 2 reaches Uranus finding six new moons.