Joan of Arc Bean Salad, New Mexico
Improper canning of food lead to a bad and serious case of botulism. 33 people became ill and 2 deaths were reported.
-New Mexico start of outbreak http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#3 -
Jalisco Cheese, Los Angeloes
40 people were reported dead including 10 infants . The reported cause of this outbreak of listeria was due to tainted cheese products by jalisco cheese http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#3 -
Jewel Food Store Milk, Illinois
A possible 12,000 people could of been affected by this outbreak of salomnella casused by the 2% milk cartons. -
Jack in the Box,Seattle, California, Idaho, Texas and Nevada
An ecoli virus brokeout at jack in the box in 1993 casued by improper mishandling of meat. 708 people were effected by this outbreak of ecoli. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Jack_in_the_Box_E._coli_outbreak -
Frozen Strawberrry,Michigan
!51 peopel were reported infected by this hepatitis a breakout caused by a number of issues foodhandler or contamincated water. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00047129.htm -
Sizzler, Wisconsin
Over 60 cases were reported by the outbreak of e. coli at sizzlers which was casued by cross-contaminationbetween meat processing area and read to eat food prep area. http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#8 -
Pilgrim's Pride Meat, North East
A widespread outbreak of Listeria infected 100 of people including 7 deaths caused by infected turkey meat with Listeria. http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#9 -
Chi-Chi's, Monaca, Pennsylvania
Sickened 100s of people and lead to the death of four people due to an outbreak of Hepatitis A which was caused by hepatitis infected green oninons from Mexico. http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#10 -
Dole Babb Spinach, Nationwide
199 people were diagnosed with syptons and 3 people died from e. coli caused from a cattle ranch that leased land to a spinach farmer. http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#10 -
Taco Bell, East Coast U.S.
100's of people were infected by the e. coli found in the shreded lettuce from taco bell. The probable caasue of this e. coli were a cross contamination of raw vegetables. http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#10