Foodborne illnes jpg

Outbreak Timeline

  • Bottulism; Peoria, Illnois 1983

    Bottulism; Peoria, Illnois 1983
    Cause For Outbreak: Onions, caused by toxin produced from a wound infected with Clostridium botulinum. Infant botulism is caused by consuming the spores of the botulinum bacteria, which then grow in the intestines and release toxin.
    Product: Skewer Inn Restaurant of People Sick: 28 Hospitalized ; 1 Deaths Year: 1983
    Location: Peoria, Illnois Source:
  • Listeria, California 1985

    Listeria, California 1985
    Cause For Outbreak: Jalisco Cheese, unpasturized milk.
    Product: Jalisco Cheese of People Sick: 86; 47 or 52 Deaths Year: 1985
    Location: California Source:
  • Salmonella, Melrose Park, Illinois

    Salmonella, Melrose Park, Illinois
    Cause For Outbreak: almonella typhimurium strain that was contaminating the milk they drank also was found in stool samples from the victims.
    Product: Hillfarm Dairy of People Sick: 16,284 confirmed, and possibly as many as 200,000 cases of food poisoning in six Midwest states; 2 Deaths Year: 1985
    Location: Melrose Park, Illinois Source:
  • E. Cli O157:H7, Seattle

    E. Cli O157:H7, Seattle
    Cause For Outbreak: Undercooked Hamburgers
    Product: Jack in the Box of People Sick: Four Children Dead & 700 Others Infected Year: 1993
    Location: Seattle Area Source:
  • Salmonella, Minnesota 1993

    Salmonella, Minnesota 1993
    Cause For Outbreak: The contamination occurred when raw, unpasteurized eggs were hauled in a tanker truck that later carried pasteurized ice cream to the Schwan's plant. The ice cream premix wasn't pasteurized again after delivery to the plant.
    Product: Ice Cream, Schwan's Sales Enterprises of People Sick: 740 people in 30 states and is suspected to have sickened over 3,000 additional people in as many as 41 states Year: 1994
    Location: Marshall, Minnesota Source:
  • E. Coli O157:H7, Arkansas 1997

    E. Coli O157:H7, Arkansas 1997
    Cause For Outbreak: Consuumption of contaminated food.
    Product: Burger King, Ground Beef of People Sick: The companyrecalled over 25 million pounds of ground beef it had manufactured, in the second largest recall in history. Year: 1997
    Location: Rogers, Arkansas Source:
  • Salmonella, Oregon-Masschusetts 2000

    Salmonella, Oregon-Masschusetts 2000
    Cause For Outbreak: They bought dry seeds in China and Australia and when germinated, the sprouts caused an outbreak from Oregon to Massachusetts.
    Product: Bean Sprouts From Pacific Coast Sprouts Farms. of People Sick: At least 67 people became ill, and 17 were hospitalized. Year: 2000
    Location: Oregon - Massachusetts Source:
  • E. coli O157:H7, California, Colorado, Michigan, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming

    E. coli O157:H7,  California, Colorado, Michigan, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming
    Cause For Outbreak: E. coli O157:H7, Infected due to consumoption of Contaminated food
    Product: ConAgra Ground Beef of People Sick: The company recalled over 19 million pounds of ground beef it had manufactured, in the third largest recall in history. Year: 2002
    Location: California, Colorado, Michigan, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming Source:
  • Salmonella, Georgia 2009

    Salmonella, Georgia 2009
    Cause For Outbreak: Criminal negligence has been alleged after product tested positive then re-tested "negative" by a second testing agency, and shipped on several occasions.
    Product: Peanut Butter from Peanut Corporation of America of People Sick: Nine are believed to have died and an estimated 22,500 were sickened Year: 2009
    Location: Blakely, Georgia Source:
  • E. coli O157:H7, Arizona 2013

    E. coli O157:H7, Arizona 2013
    Cause For Outbreak: recalled more than 180,000 pounds of its products after some were linked to a few cases of Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection.
    Product: A company that makes Prepared Chicken Salad of People Sick: 26 people in 3 states have been diagnosed with the same E. coli 0157:H7 infection Year: 2013
    Location: AZ, CA, NV, NM, OR, TX, UT, and WA Source: