Big bang

Our Universe

  • 276 BCE

    Eratosthenes born

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes discovers a way to calculate prime numbers

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes discovers a way to measure the size of the earth

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes known as the father of geography

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes created an accurate map of the earth

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes discovered there are 365 days in a year

  • 194 BCE

    Eratosthenes died

  • Period: 100 to 160


    He was the first person to make popular the geocentric theory. He explained how the planets had epicycles which is why they sometimes orbit in the sky.
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Copernicus Born

  • 1514

    Copernicus wrote The Little Commentary

    This was about the heliocentric theory and it was the first time the world had seen it
  • 1532

    Copernicus finished an astronomical manuscript

  • 1543

    Copernicus died

  • 1564

    Galileo born

  • Galileo discovered Copernicus was right

  • Galileo published Letters on Sunspots

  • Galileo dies

  • Newton was born

  • Newton published Mathmatical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    This described this three laws of motion
  • Newton died

  • Charles Darwin Born

  • Charles Darwin goes on the voyage of Discovery

  • Charles Darwin writes "The Origin of Species"

  • Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin of Species II"

  • Marie Curie was born in Poland

  • Wegener born

  • Marie Curie graduated from high school with top grades

  • Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays which would later inspire Marie Curie

  • Charles Darwin dies

  • Marie Curie discovered Polonium

  • Earnest Rutherford discovered alpha and beta rays and inspired Curie

  • J. J. Thompson influenced Curie by stating certain rays were made up of particles smaller than atoms

  • Curie accepted the Decay theory which was made by Rutherford

  • Curie discovered that energy doesnt come from a material's surface, it comes from within the atoms

  • Curie got her doctorate in physics

  • Curie was first woman to win the nobel prize

  • Rutherford coined the term Half-life and inspired Curie

  • Textbook explaining radiation treatment for cancer patients was published

  • Albert Einstein discovered that very small particles can carry a lot of energy

  • Wegener went on and expedition to Greenland to chart the coast line

  • Hess born

  • Wegener discovers info about continental drift

  • Wegener used fossils to produce evidence that continents used to be one

  • Wegener published The Origins of Continents and Oceans

  • Francis Crick Born

  • Rosalind Franklin born

  • James Watson born

  • Wegener died

  • Marie Curie dies of Leukemia

  • Crick joined the British Admiralty Research Laboratory

  • Hess's plate tectonic theory was born

  • Crick attached to the Cavendish Research Unit where he focused on researching DNA

  • Rosalind Franklin took X-rays of DNA to show the repeating structure

  • Crick discovered the structure of DNA and published a work explaining that and other info about human genes

  • Watson announces the structure of DNA

  • Franklin's structure of DNA published

  • Maurice Ewing and Bruce Heezen inspire Hess to discover more about the spreading of tectonic plates

  • Rosalind Franklin dies

  • Hess published History of Ocean Basins

  • Crick awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Nobel Peace Prize awarded to James Watson

  • Harry Hess died

  • Plans for sequencing human genome laid out by james Watson

  • Francis Crick dies