Emily's twelfth birthday
Emily asks to be brought back to her twelfth birthday before she returns to the dead. After this experience Emily gets an appreciation for everyday life and other living characters. Then she goes back to the cemetery and settles into her grave. -
Afternoon/ Evening in Act 1
School is let out, and George meets Emily. They speck to each other through there windows in the evening. Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb gossip with choir friends. -
Morning of Act 1
The book begins by the audience being introduced by the Stage Manager into Grover's Corner, a small town in New Hampshire. This beginning scene is very empty, just a few tables and chairs to signify The Webb's and The Gibbs families homes. Then the towns daily activities begin. The milkman, paperboy, and the families begin discussing there lives. -
George and Emily at the Mr.Morgans drugstore
Emily and George discuss their futures. Then George finally works up the courage to discuss a future with Emily. He begins to talk about not going to agricultural school and staying home and farming instead with Emily. -
George and Emily's wedding day
The couple begins to get jitters and doubts but the ceremony still goes on as planned. -
Cemetery on a hilltop
The most prominent characters in this act; Mrs.Gibbs, Mrs. Soames, Wally Webb, and Simon Stimson are all seated on the stage aka the "graveyard". They have a conversation about there lives and then see Emily joining the group. She is very sad to leave the living and has regrets about her life.