Period: to
My Privacy
- So this law is about the rights to privacy with the cable company. It states that we have the right to services and if we choose to cut the cable all our personal information must be destroyed.
i give this law a B-
- I dont really trust the law of the cabke companies mainly becasue what if they dont destroy our personal information, and also becasue they dont really help me understand the benifits of our protection. -
Period: to
Keeping Our Childrens' Identitiy Safe
This orinization wants to help keep the children's identity safe. Now i believe that children should be more protected than an adult now and days and its a good idea she asks congress for help.
A-, because i believe that maybe if children are benifited more than that would be a better condition for all. -
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Wireless Safety
- To ensure that the internet is safe for all of us it should require personal consent that only that person knows. This can make our perosnal information be more secured while on the internet. I give this a B because who knows if it would be actually secured. I mean there are many smart people and can easily hack into to the wireless connecton. -
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Demanding Proctection
-The doctor wants to protect the personal information that gets passed on by the internet. She wants the congress to act now and help protect identities before its to late.
B+ While the doctor aslks for help, what is really going to happen. some of her reasoning were to hard to understand what she wants done by the congrresss. -
Period: to
Making A Change
- The customer privacy bill as Obama quotes he wants to provide good care of the privacy for the people. This is actually a good action that the President is making so i give it an A because i believe tha the law will enforce a change fpr all of is and keep our privacy private. -
Period: to
The Big Issue
I would say A because if keep our username and passwords to ourselves this can keep our oidentifications more safer. You cant ever trust the people who say to trust them. California is for it and trying to make it work. I hope it turns out good it would come in handy. -
Period: to
Law vs. Privacy
Many states agree that the people need privacy and that we should feel safe about it when applying to a contract or plan. i give this webpage an A because the state actually wants to help by providing how some states are willing to take a stand and help with geting the people privacy.