I loved you from day one...
The day we met was the day that I found the person I wanted to not only spend my life with but build my life with. You caught my attention, probably because you threw a ball at me. But after talking to you for about an hour I knew I didn't want to leave and I got that little feeling in my stomach whenever you talked to me. So I wrote my name and number on piece of paper and handed it to you. -
The First Couple Months
We spent the rest of that entire summer together. Countless hours spent in the gym while I watched you play ball, multiple trips to downtown Subway and Coldstone, endless jokes, not to mention dozens of silly arguements, and maybe even a few tears: all memories that I'll never ever forget. -
He Loves Me Not....HE LOVES ME
I still remember the first time you told me you loved me. I remember where I was, what I was doing, and how the conversation went. It went something like this: "So I don't want you to get mad or take it the wrong way, but I love you man.." And of course I said I loved you too. After that it was like a snowball effect even though it would take a long time for me to express to you how I felt about you and what exactly my feelings for you were, I loved you and there was no denying that. -
A Three Thousand Mile Change
At the end of that summer we'd face a pretty big change. A 3,000 mile change. I remember you called me or text me and just said you were taking a trip up to Chicago that weekend. Next thing I know you were taking the next train to Milwaukee. It damn near tore me in two to have to come to terms with the fact that I didn't know when the next time I would see you would be. So off you went, and unknowingly you took my heart with you. -
Complications with Communication
As time went on, we adjusted to the change. As could be expected we ran into some problems. Miscommunication or rather, the lack of communication proved to be a problem. A lack of effort on both ends lead us to become distant. Other people came into our lives and arguements and disagreements seemed never ending at points but still we did our best to stay in touch and work through it. -
We meet again my dear...
So far, there's been three trips that we've taken to see each other. Two to Chicago and of course the most recent trip to Milwaukee. Along with those are the times you came all the way to Springfield and of course I saw you then too. So let's start with the first trip up to Chicago... -
A Trip to the Great Windy City
On the first trip to Chicago to explain how excited I was to see you after almost 6 months is almost indescribable. I just remember pulling up and seeing you on the steps of Granny Edward's house. It was then that I felt like all the days of missing you and nights of loneliness were over. In that moment to see you was all I needed to smile. -
Fast Forward to Milwaukee
Fast Forward to the trip to Milwaukee. Oh boy, did that take some convincing to get Mama Angie to let me come see you. I had so much fun with you that weekend. I still have all the pictures, the movie ticket (even though YOU didn't like it!), that lovely spider we won at the arcade. Even though..you didn't get your long awaited kiss it was still a lot of fun and definitly a time that we grew together. -
Shattered Hearts and Glue but it's still Me and You
Ahhhh so like any other relationship between the 7.1 billion people on this Earth we've ran into some heart ache in our time. Niether one of us are perfect, we've both made our mistakes. Hearts are fragile and sometimes we hurt the ones we love the most. But there's nothing that a little love and time can't heal. So even after it all we remain, stronger than ever. -
Here's to Many More Years Together.
Well babe, I guess the point of this whole little project is just to simply show you that I love you. The year and a half that we've spent together has been some of the best 18 months of my life. You are truly my heart. I thank God every day for blessing me with such an amazing person. You mean the world to me and I absolutley love you. So here's to many more years together. I love you baby!
~Faithe xoxo