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Our Love Story

  • We Meet

    We Meet
    We meet at a happy hour with friends. Fate that we get to sit next to each other. I said to Jackie, "Of course!"
  • First Date/ Best First Kiss of Our Lives

    First Date/ Best First Kiss of Our Lives
    You ask me to meet you in Ballston to go dancing. We never end up dancing. Most memorable thing you said "I'm a gym bunny" First time I made fun of something you said and definitely wasn't the last.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    I suggest we see 'Super 8' Both of us were too shy to say that we really didn't like the movie.
  • Lunch when you leave

    You ask me to lunch to say you are leaving for 2 months. I thought this might be the end of us, but I should have known you wouldn't give up that easily. My first glance at just how good your heart is.
  • Rudy comes home

    Rudy comes home
    You come home and we spend the weekend enjoying Hurricane Irene. Our love of rainy days begins (maybe?) And our first time. When my obsession began.
  • First Hike

    First Hike
    Our first hike at Billy Goat Trail. Basically ran up and down boulders. Defintiely won't be our last hike
  • Redskins Game

    Redskins Game
    Our first NFL game together.
  • Celebrating our First Christmas

    Celebrating our First Christmas
    Our first Christmas and the beginning of my "girlfriend" ring. Have never taken it off.
  • New Year's Together

    New Year's Together
    Our first new year's together in New York. First time we travel together.
  • "I Love You"

    "I Love You"
    First day we say I love you. I will always remember that day
  • Baltimore Trip

    Baltimore Trip
    Had fun going to see Kevin Hart, but will never return to Baltimore.
  • Ritz Carlton Week

    Ritz Carlton Week
    Spent a week at the Ritz Carlton. So comfortable to enjoy our last week together for 6 months
  • Rudy leaves

    Rudy leaves
    Last day with each other. Leaving makes us realize how strongly we feel about each other.
  • Rudy Comes to Ohio

    Rudy Comes to Ohio
    Rudy comes home and comes to Ohio to help me celebrate our victory for President Obama.
  • Rudy's Birthday

    Rudy's Birthday
    Rudy's 35th birthday. Being apart again makes us realize how much we like planning together.
  • Rudy receives Christmas Gift

    Rudy receives Christmas Gift
    Rudy received a Christmas gift of little things that I thought he would enjoy. Best surprise to date!
  • Rudy comes home 2nd time to DC

    Rudy comes home 2nd time to DC
    Rudy comes home to DC for the 2nd trip.
  • St. Lucia

    St. Lucia
    We leave for St. Lucia to actually relax in warm weather. Spend time together recommitting to each other. Become closer and more open with each other. Miss you so much. Let's go back to St. Lucia, we'll do it even better next time ;)