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Our Jobs for Life Journey

By QkdD-14
  • Started JfL

    Started JfL
  • Class 1: Welcome

    Class 1: Welcome
    Key Concepts:
    -- Orientation
    -- Introductory Activities
    -- Values, Goals, and Purpose -- JfL Benefits and Expectation -
    -- We each have special purposes for which we are uniquely designed
    -- Each of us have been given certain abilities by God
    -- Using our abilities fulfills who we were made to be
    -- Developing our God-given talents and interests makes us valuable assets to employers
  • Period: to

    Spring 2018 JfL Class

  • Class 2: Why Take This Journey?

    Class 2: Why Take This Journey?
    Key Concepts:
    -- Rationale for Work
    -- Learning from Real Life Examples
    -- Concept of Roadblocks -- Importance of Positive Relationships -
    Major Priniciples:
    -- Roadblocks are inevitable and happen to everyone.
    -- Roadblocks are not permanent; they can be overcome.
    -- JfL Training helps you develop your God-given interests and talents, which makes you more marketable to employers
    -- Change is necessary if you want to grow.
  • Class 3: What Do I Bring to the Journey?

    Class 3: What Do I Bring to the Journey?
    Key Concepts:
    -- Pursing our ideal Job
    -- Understanding Supply and Demand in the job market
    -- Increasing our demand as marketable employees
    -- Matching employment interests and skills with selected jobs or careers -- Making positive first impressions -
    -- You can earn more as you gain the skills, education, and experience that are valuable to your employer.
    -- Character affects our actions in all that we do.
    -- Maximizing the use of our gifts will increase our job opportunities.
  • Class 4: Who is Driving?

    Class 4: Who is Driving?
  • Class 5

  • Class 6