Our economy since 2007

  • Obama becomes president

    Obama becomes president
    After the election of 2007, At the beginning of 2008, Barack Obama is inaugurated as the new president, beginning a new democratic era of leadership and new ideas.
  • 200 days in Office (Budget Deficit: Spending, Big Time)

    200 days in Office (Budget Deficit: Spending, Big Time)
    The deficit had grown by $776.51 billion from January to June. The administration expects the fiscal 2009 deficit to reach $1.75 trillion, which is about 12.3% of the GDP. The ambition with healthcare programs, improving education, and fighting climate change might be too much.
  • Oil Prices Lead to Wider US Trade Gap

    Oil Prices Lead to Wider US Trade Gap
    According to government data the trade deficit continued to move into the red. The trade balance went from $45.5 billion to $48.2 billion all due to the rise of oil prices and the amount of the US dollar being weak. With the weak dollar it limits the US purchasing power in the worldmarket place.

    Barack Obama has made a government wide strategy to promote exports. He is trying to strengthen America’s economy by doing this. He is calling this the The National Export Initiative (NEI).
  • Only Half of The US Singles Have Retirement Savings Account

    Only Half of The US Singles Have Retirement Savings Account
    By postponing opening up a savings account, people will accumulate less money. Americans should take retirement more seriously by saving earlier in life and plan for their future.
  • Budget Deficit to Climb for the First Time Since 2009

    Budget Deficit to Climb for the First Time Since 2009
    The annual deficit has continued on a downward spiral since 2009, this is caused by the slower-than-expected growth and lower-than-expected revenue that has come into the government. As of 2016 the percentage of GDP has increased to 3.2% and the government is predicting it will hit 4.6% by the end of the decade