240 BCE
Made the first accurate measure of the Earth. Helps to put out the greatest facts of how large Earth for future generations and scientists who study the earth. -
140 BCE
Claudius Ptolemy
Made a geocentric model of the way the planets move. This is important to know the basic knowledge of how our solar system looks like and works. -
Nicolaus Copernicus
First astronomer to propose a sun-centered solar system. This is what gave us the overall idea that the sun was at the center of all the planets orbits and the beginning statement of the Scientific Revolution. -
Tycho Brahe
Made Calculations for the orbits of the planets. This helped to predict how old each planet was. Late 16th century** -
Johannes Kepler
Found out that planets are elliptical. It changed our view of how the planets orbited when we originally thought they were perfectly circular. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Newton discovered the law of gravity. It shows that there is more gravity in Earth then the Moon. -
Albert Einstein
Made of theories of Special and General Relativity. Helped us in the knowledge build of 'speed of light'