Our 2nd grade year

By jmccann
  • The First Day

    The First Day
    We were all excited to see each other. SOme of us were old friends, some of us were new friends. But we all could tell we were going to have a great year together.
  • Old Bethpage Trip

    It was so exciting to learn about what life was like back in the colonial days. We were able to see their homes, play with their toys and even try some of their jobs.
  • Halloween

    It was so much fun to see everyones costumes! And all the 2nd greade teachers were dressed as superheros! Ms. McCann was Wonder Woman!
  • Thanksgiving Feast

    Thanksgiving Feast
    We all enjoyed learning about the False Face society and feasting on a traditional Thanksgiving meal!
  • Holiday Party

    Holiday Party
    We loved soming in in our PJs and watching a movie and enjoying hot chocolate!
  • Sweet Heart Dance

    Sweet Heart Dance
    We danced the night away...and all had such a good time with our school friends and special guest!
  • Post Office Day

    Post Office Day
    It took us days to write our letters to our secret friend! We were finally able to "work" in the post office and and deliver our letters.
  • Terra Novas!!!

    Terra Novas!!!
    we tried our best.. and were so glad when they were over!!
  • Patchogue Theatre Trip

    Patchogue Theatre Trip
    Junie B. Jones was fantastic! What was your favorite part?
  • 2nd Grade Picnic

    2nd Grade Picnic
    What a beautiful day we had! We danced and played..and got a tan!
  • Writer's Presentations

    Writer's Presentations
    Even though we were nervous, we were so excited to share our favorite pieces of writing with our families!
  • Field Day

    Field Day
    OUr last Field Day at AMPS!!

    Good bye AMPS...Hello Laddy!! 3rd grade here we come!!